Suzanne Hollander, MS, RD.

Suzanne Hollander, MS, RD

As a dietitian, home cook, and enthusiast of all-things-delicious, I'm often asked, "so what do YOU eat?" Here's a blog to answer that very question! My hope is that you'll find (even just a little) inspiration from some of my favorite recipes, restaurants, party-ideas and food musings for your own happy, healthy, food-loving lifestyle.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Escondito Falls

This past weekend I went on a "hike" through Malibu's Escondito Falls. While the first two legs offered a rigorous but novice hiking experience, I will go ahead and call the third and final leg an all-out boulder climb (and I'm NEVER one to exaggerate). With shaky legs, we summitted the cliff for a beautiful view of the waterfall beneath and the Pacific Ocean. The next day, I felt not only accomplished, but general body soreness--a hurt-so-good kind of feeling. Not surprising given that just 30 minutes of rock climbing burns nearly 400 calories. If you're not up for the last leg, the view of the second waterfall is still worth the trek.

Climbing out of this cave required advanced shimmying technique.