Suzanne Hollander, MS, RD.

Suzanne Hollander, MS, RD

As a dietitian, home cook, and enthusiast of all-things-delicious, I'm often asked, "so what do YOU eat?" Here's a blog to answer that very question! My hope is that you'll find (even just a little) inspiration from some of my favorite recipes, restaurants, party-ideas and food musings for your own happy, healthy, food-loving lifestyle.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maximizing Your Vegetarian Proteins

A plant-rich diet is a key component of good nutrition and health. When it comes to proteins though, a single plant rarely offers all the essential amino acids your body needs to build its muscles and maintain maximum functionality. The way this works is that if you consume a protein source with 100% of 19 out of 20 essential amino acids, and contains one at only 50%, you only get 50% benefit of those other 19 too.

The solution? Mix and match vegetarian protein sources (more than just beans!) in order to get maximum benefits. Choose two of any sources below:
  • Beans/Legumes--personal favorite is black beans! 
  • Whole grains--barley, oats, brown rice, quinoa (richest in protein!)
  • Vegetables--low calorie and tons of variety. 
Or check out some of these recipes for complementary protein boost:

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